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tv   The Live Desk  FOX News  November 27, 2009 1:00pm-2:59pm EST

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guessing he might be in a tad bit of trouble. gregg: their bodies are not equipped for turkey. that is going to do it for us. "live desk" begins right now. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute julet: hello, everybody. this is the "live desk." kelly: here on the "live desk" of those brand pictures will be in the boxes on the right side of your screen. julet: iran as chief representative says his country will resist pressure, resolutions, sanctions, and threat of military attacks, so now what? we will talk to former united nations ambassador john bolton shortly. kelly: in the mailbox, more fallout over the state dinner party crashers -- in the middle box.
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more questions about how the couple got past the secret service uninvited into the president's state dinner with the prime minister of india. juliet: also in the bottom box, the dow is down. rough day on the wall street. u.s. markets opened to a shortened day. after news of financial troubles in dubai said markets tumbling. kelly: within the last couple of hours, lastfaa -- the faa talked about a store where they tried to make contact with the plane overshot its destination by 150 miles. air traffic controllers tried to contact the pilots or more than an hour but with no success at all. the military had jets fired up and ready to go looking for the plane. that was not needed. the pilots eventually responded. take a listen to them after
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realizing their mistake. kelly: can you imagine being a passenger on board that flight? brian wilson joins us now from washington for more on 5
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norad claims they scrambled our debts within five minutes of being contacted. that is pretty good response time. they were waved off just before the jets took off because they said they finally got in contact with the plane. consul was to finally go through the checklist, asking if the cockpit was secure and whether they had enough fuel to get back to minneapolis, but they were very late in notifying norad. trace: a comedy of errors going on. what is going on here? >> that is the same question i have been asking. i know with a high degree of certainty that these tapes have been ready for weeks. understanding that they were embarrassing, the faa waited until black friday when it weighted that the public would be distracted and not spending a great deal of time watching the news. in washington, we call that news management, but this is an egregious example of it. the tapes do not belong to the faa, and they belong to the public. the faa should be called to the
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carpet for holding release of such information. it is not the kind of transparency one would expect from the government. kelly: you are absolutely right. brian wilson keeping us up to date. juliet: but they are forgetting that a lot of people went yesterday. the u.s. is turning iran and demanding a stop work at its newly revealed nuclear facility, but perhaps the biggest news of all is the fact that russia and china of backing today's resolution. what is significant about this? we kind of just gave you a little bit right there. >> right, this shows a strong international unity on iran's nuclear program. the vote coming this morning in vienna. 25 members of the 35-member body approving the measure.
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china and russia were never completely on board with this kind of strong statement against iran in the past, but now, they are, and the white house says this underscores broad consensus in calling upon iran to live up to its obligations, estate and from press secretary robert gibbs goes on to say our patience and that of the international community is limited, and time is running out. iran refuses to meet its obligations, that it will be responsible for its own growing isolation and the consequences. he says the u.s. remains willing to engage iran to work toward a diplomatic solution. the resolution calls on iran to mothball the nuclear enrichment facility at qom. it is so small that experts say it could only have one purpose -- to enrich uranium will weapons. it is not big enough for the production of fuel that you would use in nuclear power
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plant. the resolution also calls on iran to halt all of its uranium enrichment activities. as usual, of course, iran remains defiant with its representative in vienna saying his country would resist pressure, resolution, sanctions, and the threat of military attack. juliet: not a big surprise. that has been the rhetoric for a long time, and i also said they cut the facility's secret -- they kept the facility's secret to avoid an attack. kelly: meantime, a couple of washington socialite seeking the bright lights of reality tv could end up behind bars in a well-lit sell. the secret service considering criminal charges against the salahis. they showed up for president obama's first official state dinner on tuesday. many of you were talking about it at home during the thanksgiving dinner, but so far, as anyone can tell, they were not invited. as you can see, they got right
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past security meeting with the high-profile guests. you are looking at it right there. her hair dresser says she told her they received an invitation in the mail. malani wilkes is at the white house. you have to a commission from the couple's attorney, right? >> we just got a statement from their attorney. he says, "my clients were cleared by the white house to be there. more information is forthcoming." the white house says they were not invited, so this gets to the business of being cleared and being invited. obviously, someone at the white house or someone with the secret service allowed these folks to get past the gate, but again, the white house insisting they did not have an invitation, kelly. kelly: ounce like we said/day said type of story -- sounds like a bee said/day said type of story. what is the white house saying? >> they are continuing to investigate this during the holiday. as far as criminal charges, they
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say that a criminal investigation is not ruled out, but it is too early to say if there will be any charges. the secret service does admit that it did not follow proper procedures on tuesday night and point out that the couple did go through and magnetometer. we also just got a report from the local newspaper where they live at a winery in rural virginia. they " the manager of this winery, saying that the secret service are arrived there this morning and asked a question -- they quote the manager of this monday, saying that the secret service are right there this morning and asked the question. kelly: is an attractive couple. they walk into a place and look like they belong. they are a critical vocable if you will. what else do we know about them? >> they are apparently auditioning for the tv series "real housewives of d.c." bravo
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says she was considered for the cast. the city produces believe they did have an invitation to the event. we also know that the couple has had some trouble with debt. nine civil suits in virginia against them for amounts ranging from a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. kelly: all right. bring us up-to-date on terms of what happened with the now historic gate crashers. juliet: they were cleared by the white house, but there were not invited by the white house. we will get to the bottom of that. the setting prices in the persian gulf -- he is about 13 feet long with dozens of razor sharp teeth and jaws built for crossing, and there he is. this crocodiles name is jaws, and one guy got a little too close for comfort, and is all
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caught on video.
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kelly: all right, let's show you what is going on right now. the faa released audio tapes from the air traffic control tower as well as transcripts from northwest flight 188. that is the plane that overflew the minneapolis airport by an hour. the transcript shows one of the pilots on the plight telling controllers that they had been distracted because they were dealing with company issues. brian wilson just pointed out to us that there was a 12-second gap before they answered. in the middle box, wind gusts between 25 miles per hour and 50 miles per hour over the next couple of days. they are expected to complicate trouble. as you know, many people expected to return home this weekend. i need bottom box, the dow is plunging and to the point that it is causing fears about your
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401k -- in the bottom box. juliet: the day after thanksgiving, u.s. market now closed after a special after thanksgiving trading session, but the damage is done. the dow jones closed down 155 points, and it is all because of what is going on half a world away. there are concerns that dubai will not be able to make $60 billion in debt payments, and that is scooping -- spooking global markets to say the least. dubai is a place that has a lot of foreign investment, and this is obviously schering a lot of folks. what kind of effect is it having, first of all, on the world market? >> you are right. it has spooked investors in markets across the world and sparked great market uncertainty. basically, dubai is suspending debt repayment for six months, and that has led to fears that maybe they will default on this debt that we're talking about
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right now. there have been all sorts of knock on effect from this. there has been indiscriminate selling of stocks that are related to the area. there has been a huge increase in the cost of insuring against defaults in emerging markets, but things may somewhat destabilizing in the sense that analysts seem to be agreed that this is not a harbinger of further global meltdown -- things may be somewhat stabilizing. united states financial institutions do not have that much exposure to dubai, juliet. juliet: we will be to discuss this later on as well -- we will be discussing this later on as well. thanks. kelly: a wildlife ranger finds himself in desperate need of help. and nasa crocodile called jaws -- a massive croc called jaws
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chasing him. his teeth snapping. he slips on the grass and covers his putting, and at that moment, a colleague rushes in and wax -- whacks jaws on the head. listen to him describing the moment. >> spun out, and that is where jaws is creeping up, and as johnson swung around, dak was getting up on his feet, and that is when i came to save the day. kelly: he has a reputation for testing the skills of junior crocodile rangers. juliet: an emotional and difficult time for a lot of families this thanksgiving holiday. it is all about saying goodbye. how they are dealing with their loved ones heading overseas to iraq and afghanistan.
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one state house laying down a lot on holiday decorations. we will explain why coming up.
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kelly: christmas time is near, and there's another skirmish going on in the culture wars related to the holidays, and the state of washington is taking the battle to an altogether new level. last year, atheist posted a plaque in the capitol building slamming religion right next to the christmas tree and menorah
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-- atheist's posted a plaque. now, the building is banning all religious displays for the holidays. what is their reaction to the decision to ban all religious displays out there in the state capital? >> mostly negative. if you think you are seeing more of the skirmishes popping up around the country over the separation of church and state, it is because you are. atheistic local groups and national freedom from religion foundation admit that they are being more aggressive in trying to enforce that law that thomas jefferson talked about, but all the christian groups we talked to say they cannot imagine that the founding fathers had this type of rule in mind when they talk about the separation of church and state. now, you have christian groups saying that they cannot imagine that the nativity scene would be barred from the state capitol.
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this year, the holy family is not welcome all because the freedom from religious foundation put up a sign that sparked national outrage. >> under established case law, we cannot distinguish based on content. we can't regulate the time, place, and manner of activities, but we cannot discriminate based on content. >> 95% of the u.s. citizens celebrate christmas, and the state caved in to a few screws or atheist. >> policy is that all displays will have to be outside on the grounds. nothing says anything about christmas or hanukkah or anything else. ron says he will not be putting his nativity scene outside. he will be donating it to a local church. kelly: and the local church obviously will enjoy that the
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nation, but you are looking at a ball humbug -- bah humbug moment. juliet: when troops deployed overseas, it is never easy for their families, and when it happens over the holidays, it is even more emotional. more than 200 troops had to say goodbye in texas to head to iraq and afghanistan. we have more on their departure. >> they fight for our freedom in far-flung places. >> sad. scared. >> this thanksgiving, these soldiers say goodbye to love one's after a 15-daily. just enough time for the specialist to reconnect with his wife, see how much his boys have grown. >> missing the kids and wife. spending time with the family is mainly the big thing i miss. >> volunteers and cooks served
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up this thanksgiving feast, the last meal for the soldiers on u.s. soil for a while. >> we have a very small amount of people doing a great big job and not an easy job, so they are very special, and they need to be treated like that every single day. >> in our hearts, we just knew we wanted to help. we're so grateful to the soldiers. >> some of the soldiers are from north texas, and others are just passing through dieppe w airport on their way to iraq and afghanistan -- passing through dfw airport on their way to iraq and afghanistan. >> i got surprised. my -- they just showed up. it was really nice. >> the most an overwhelming, the
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thank you's plentiful, and the law -- just what they need to carry them through -- the motion overwhelming, the bank use plan people, and the love, just what they need to carry them through. kelly: our hearts go out to those families out there, and we hope and pray that the troops will return home safely to their families. iran has been put on notice, but will all this added pressure do any good and keep tehran's nuclear ambitions in check? we will talk to the former ambassador to the united nations. and before you shop until you drop this black friday, you will want to hear this -- we will show you where you could run into problems out there where you are shopping. quality and reliability...
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are more than words here. it's personal. i have diabetes. rodney's kid too. so we're so proud to manufacture... the accu-chek® aviva meters and test strips... here in the u.s.a. plus, we've proven you'll waste 50% fewer strips... when you use our meter, which means greater savings... for people with diabetes, like me. now that's a true american value. accu-chek® aviva. born in the u.s.a.
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kelly: welcome back. it is the bottom of the hour now right now and time for the top stories we're watching. space shuttle atlantis and its crew of seven astronauts returned safely to earth after an 11-day flight resupplying
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the international space station. we showed it live here on fox. one crew member will see his newborn son for the first time. first lady michele obama is expected to receive the white house christmas tree in just about half an hour. the 18.5-foot tree comes from a couple in west virginia, who is donating a record fourth christmas tree to the white house. in the bottom box, iran and its road nuclear program. julia has the latest on that. juliet: kelly, we have been telling you how the u.n. nuclear watchdog board of governors voted to censure iran over its nuclear activity today. our israeli allies playing -- paying very close attention to these developments. earlier, we heard from a former israeli ambassador to the united nations. he said it took far too long for the u.n. to act, but he is thankful something is being done. listen. >> good things happen to those who wait, and finally we have got an iaea report that speaks the truth and makes it very
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clear how abuse of the iranians are, and am very happy to see russia and china on board because i truly believe that having the russians and chinese on board is the key to putting real meat on the sanctions and making iran realize that the world will not stand for a nuclear iran. juliet: for more reaction, let's bring in john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and a box is contributor. great to see you. let's start with the basics. if you are not calling it about china and every day, they say they are not trying to develop a nuclear program, and yet, they had a secret facility. it finally came out that had a secret facility, and they said they kept it secret because they were afraid of being bombed. in your assessment as someone who is deeply involved in these negotiations and talks, what are iran's intentions? >> there is no doubt that these
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-- their intention is to have nuclear capabilities. they have been seeking these capabilities for nearly 20 years, and they have all of a very long standing very consistent practice of hiding information from the international atomic energy agency, covering up information, providing false information, but the things that have been covered over the years demonstrate really beyond the date that iran's intention is to get nuclear weapons. juliet: many people feel that it is a little too little, too late. explain what it is exactly in what the point is at this stage in the game. >> this resolution has no real- world effect. in fact, one reason that there were not any resolutions for the iaea for so long was that that the bush administration had finally, after a lot of efforts, gotten the whole iran nuclear weapons program moved to the security council, which has in force and capabilities, such as the are, in the united nations system. -- enforcement capabilities,
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such as they are in united nations system. it does not have any real world consequences for iran. juliet: you brought up russia and china, who have been resistant against making any moves against iran. how significant is this? >> it is not significant. it is another statement about what iran is doing, but it carries no real-world consequences, and, in fact, it has been several years now since the security council has voted additional sanctions. the three resolutions they have adopted have been weak and have not deterred iran from continuing to pursue nuclear weapons, and that is the real issue, not whether you can get everybody to agree that what iran is doing is a bad thing but whether in the real world, they will take any concrete action, and this resolution today does not amount to concrete action. juliet: basically, can we assume that this latest move by the iaea is essentially admitted is that any negotiations or dealmaking, brokering that was going on behind the scenes was a
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failure? >> i think it clearly is a failure, but that will not stop many people, including in the obama administration, from continuing to try negotiations. i think we could see that coming, and yet the next meeting of the five permanent members of the security council in germany is not likely to happen until sometime near christmas, nearly a month away, so the pace at which this is moving is very, very slow. that works to iran's continuing damage. juliet: we just have to -- that works to iran's continuing advantage. juliet: we have just a few seconds left. how would you grade --? >> absolute f. juliet: ambassador, thanks very much for joining us. we appreciate it. kelly: for years, people got a big break. the town has no property tax,
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and it relies heavily on sales tax revenues from local malls. you see the importance of black friday there. but those revenues are way down since the recession hit, and now there could be a new property tax that would chip away at an $17.6 million debt and deficit. that is right. this is one town that could use a good black friday. last year on average, a black friday shoppers spent more than $372 thursday through sunday, and nearly one in four shoppers was up by friday am -- about 5:00 a.m. -- up by 5:00 a.m. >> we are at the would feel mall, fifth largest retail shopping center in the country, and you are right -- two out of every $3 spent come from sales tax here. they do not have a property tax as of yet, so let's talk to someone about how black friday is going.
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so far, it looks pretty good it does. it looks pretty much like last year, so we are very pleased with the traffic levels this black friday. >> as we were discussing earlier, last year's black friday was a bit of and is indicated. we have a good friday, but the shopping season was not quite up to par. are you fearful that may repeat itself? not necessarily fearful. we count on black friday being a barometer of the holiday season. last year, we had a gain on black friday, and it was not necessarily the case, so it is not as predictable as it used to be, but still, you love seeing the customers and shopping bags, and that is what it is about. >> you think the last two weeks will be more critical to determining how this season is going to go? that is correct. it used to be black friday was
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the busiest day of the year, and over the last decade, it has been more into the two saturdays before christmas. in terms of total customers, it is still the day after christmas. >> so far so good? bigger is crossed that it might actually be a pretty good season? >> i'd think we are all cautiously optimistic. we just can not bank on knowing the answer on black friday like we used to. >> thank you very much. general manager of the board field mall. a lot of projections suggest it will be about like last year, and last year was not all that great a year. of course, still several shopping days until christmas to find out. back to you. kelly: thanks. got a feel for the town out there having to face a property tax. bringing us all the details. juliet: a lot of folks have big plans for shopping today, no matter -- no matter what is in the forecast. janice d. is here at the box weather center inside, but i'm sure she runs out every part minutes or so to check to make sure.
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>> you know me too well. taking it pick on sixth avenue to see how those lines are doing, and i'm off in about five minutes, so we will see what those lines are looking like. we do have a storm system across the northwest moving into the rockies. not too bad. some scattered showers and snow showers in the forecast, and across the northeast, low pressure moving across the great lakes and a coastal low acting in tandem to bring lots of moisture up for the new england, and with that, we could see anywhere from 3 to 6 inches, so the ski resorts, i'm sure, are enjoying this. wind gusts will be in excess of 50 miles per hour, especially as you head into saturday. if you are traveling, do call ahead. dropping some of or picking someone up from the airport, because we have some slight delays especially across the northeast corridor. 35 in minneapolis. 47 here in new york city. 61 in tampa, and looking good across the west as well. ok, i'm done.
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now, to break those lines, juliet. what do you want for christmas? juliet: i would like a new car. could you please, when you go out, get the end of blackberry. thank you, janice. kelly: a group of conservatives stirring up controversy within the republican party. a test of principles that are proposing or all the candidates in the upcoming 2010 elections, and what the group is threatening to do it candidates do not pass the exam. a fair and balanced debate coming up. and prosecutors say it was a sex game that turned deadly. arguments today in the trial of a seattle student. she is accused, along with her ex-boyfriend, of killing her british roommate while studying in italy. latest details in three minutes.
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yet a lot of natural gas has impurities like co2 in it. controlled freeze zone is a new technology... being developed by exxonmobil... to remove the co2 from the natural gas... so we can safely store it... where it won't get into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is spending more than 100 million dollars... to build a plant that will demonstrate this process.
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i'm very optimistic about it... because this technology could be used... to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. ♪
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juliet: welcome back, everybody. you are seeing somebody's hoodie, but when he moves aside, hopefully, you will see some video. this was taken a couple of minutes ago. it is a living, isn't it? oh, this is live, actually. there we go. that is a live video. that is a horse-drawn carriage. in a carriage, we promise you, the white house christmas tree is a riding, and is expected to head to the north portico to be presented to the first lady this afternoon, and after they decorated with all these incredible little wonderful ornaments, it will be displayed in the white house is blue room throughout the entire holiday season. kelly: i have been there. it is beautiful. notice how the horses are decorated with the red ribbons? i wonder if they know that they're dressed up that way. in any case, we want to talk about something else going on within the gop. 10 members of the republican
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national committee pushing for a resolution that calls for withholding money from any of the 2010 candidates unless they live up to at least eight out of 10 conservative principles. meet the chief sponsor, an indiana lawyer. he coined a purity test for republicans. here are four of the tenets of the plan. supporting smaller government and opposing bills like president obama's stimulus. opposing government-run health care. opposing tax and trade legislation. and opposing federally funded abortions. bob defended the initiative saying democrats "relish criticizing the republican party for not being true to our conservative principles, which was unfortunately true with regard to support for spending, deficits, and bailouts during the bush administration, which i publicly criticized at the time. they will attack any effort to reassure voters that we are serious about restoring our
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concerning our conservative bona fides." a conservative blogger disagrees with that. he says -- and a former adviser to both the clinton/gore and gore/lieberman campaigns. a former deputy assistant to president george w. bush. both of them join us right now. what is this? newt gingrich, i heard a couple of weeks ago, said that there is no need for a litmus test for conservatives within the republican party. >> he is right. there is no need for litmus test, but there is a need for getting back to basics and principles that certainly republican candidates -- if they cannot sign on to release eight of those two principles, how can they call themselves a republican? there are certain core values
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that republicans need to sign on to in order to assure that they are true republicans. i do not think there is anything on that list that i do not subscribe to as a republican, and i would hope that the candidates who are running in the name of the republican party could least sign off on a of them before running as a republican. kelly: are democrats kind of looking at this and scoffing saying, look at the republicans the can get their act together? misfired over the place or accusing each other of not being conservative enough? >> i am celebrating. in the spirit of black friday and the holiday shopping season, i want to thank the rnc for the litmus test, anything that will keep moderates and independents from voting in the 2010 elections for republicans i am all in favor. problem of this litmus test is it reinforces the image of a party that is more interested in reinforcing its base then trying to solve big problems and bring others into the tent.
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the problem is everyone is crowded in the far right-hand corner, and there is no room for anybody who has moderate views to enter. that is the problem for republicans, but i am not scoffing about it, as i said. i am happy about it. kelly: peter does bring up a good point, though, about bringing more people into the tent, something the republican party has wanted to do for years. i recall former president george w. bush urging the republican party to bring more people into the tent, speaking of blacks, hispanics, and other people of all walks of life, to broaden the scope of the party, but how can you do that if there is a conservative litmus test they have to comply with that may not include that aspect of reaching out? >> i would challenge peter -- what do you not like about the test? don't you think -- kelly: you did not answer my question. >> the answer is everyone can find principles within those tend -- and i'm not calling it a
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litmus test because i do not think it is. i think that is a sell job by the democrats in order to dampen this test. it is not a test at all. it is a list of principles, the same as the democrats, i hope, have principles that they believe in. there are enough principles within that document that people can subscribe to. certainly, smaller government. i think a lot of people believe that people should not be given amnesty. there should be a pathway to citizenship. i think they also believe that unions should not take away a person's right to vote in union elections. i think there are a lot of things with in those principles that people can subscribe to. q. do not have to subscribe to all of them, but certainly if you have an affinity to a party, you have to least agree to a majority of those principles, or otherwise, why would you call yourself a republican? kelly: but bring in the last word please. >> the democrats are the party of the big tent. right now, you're looking at on the health care front, the
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liberals have concerns about it or questions. moderates, conservatives. there are all these different elements in the party that have to come together, but the problem is if you go to malls across the country and ask people if they are democrat or republican, it will probably answer "neither" and give you some choice words after that. kelly: i have to end it there. thank you both. obviously, the republican party will be looking at this in the weeks and months to come. juliet: an american and her italian exports from our back in court today for the defense team's closing arguments. you may recall they are accused of fatally stabbing her british relate back in 2007. both, though, denied they did anything wrong. meredith's body was found in a pool of blood. prosecutors say she was killed during a drug-fueled sex game. i have asked the jury to give knox and her former portland 30 years. last year, a third person was sentenced to the killing.
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he is now appealing. to the season to overindulge, but all those numbers could do a number on your waistline. we have some tips to get you through the holidays without putting on too many pounds. look at that. kelly: let's go for a job.
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juliet: 7 minutes before the hour. is hard enough to eat well and maintained a healthy weight on a regular basis, but throw in holiday parties and food and stress and alcohol, and a lot of us will see our fitness efforts go out the window. dietitians say the average holiday meal is about 1,400 calories, nearly the amount you are supposed to eat over a whole day. in that, you get an average of
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65 grams of fat, and throw in marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes. according to the national institutes of health, the yearly weight gain for an adult is nearly 2 pounds, and half of that comes in the holiday season. we have some tips that will help us over the holidays. good to see you. i've read a statistic -- this cannot be right -- that said the average american gains 6 pounds from thanksgiving to new year's. >> those numbers have been all over the place for years because it is anywhere from one or two pounds to some research says six to eight, but the problem is we do not lose it. regardless of how much you gain, if you are not losing it, we are going the wrong way, so the goal is to not gain in the first place. juliet: you have some simple tips, but they are kind of unusual. you sleep between seven or eight
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hours a night. >> the average american is leading an hour and half less than they did in the 1970's. this is critically important to your way because there are two hormones that are negatively affected by sleep deprivation. the hormone that says you are feeling full diminishes, and the second hormone that says feed me increases when you are a sleep deprived. you are hormonally wacking your body out when you are diminishing sleep, and during the holidays, it is such an important time because you will be out shopping and everything else. you really want to have what i call a suite strategy. think about when you're going to bed, when you are getting up, and stick to it. juliet: the second, what's the alcohol. -- watch the alcohol. >> i say drink two ounces of water for every ounce of alcohol.
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british researchers showed its part of the order boosts your metabolism, but when you drink alcohol with salty food, the more water you drink, the better you will feel. the more energy will have, and the better you will look. my new aging tip for today is -- what i really want to say is we are so stressed out right now for many different reasons. we need to set aside 15 minutes, half an hour -- whatever your schedule allows -- to chill out. read, listen to music, brief, meditate, yoga positions -- what ever speaks to you and makes sense to you. take some time to chill out. you will reduce your stress hormones, and you will get yourself in a better place to deal with holiday stress. juliet: these are great tips. good to see you. kelly: great advice and great tips. a great place to spend the holidays -- holiday preparations
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underway right now america's most famous home. we are awaiting the presentation of the white house christmas tree. the first lady is on hand for the annual tradition. more details coming tup. we're looking at live video right now as they are out there waiting. there is a band playing. it looks like the u.s. marines are waiting in the background to play. this is always a wonderful time. washington is a beautiful place in the christmas season.
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for true holiday shopping reform. reform! it's about taking away our choices. oh no. has millions of gift choices. toys, electronics, books, jewelry and more. oh sure. easy for you people to spend our money. well actually has discount prices, comparison shopping and free shipping offers. nice. your going to take jobs away from my people during the holidays? sorry santa, you never stopped by my house. you never leave out cookies and milk.
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[captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute kelly: this is the "live desk." juliet: we have brand new stories and breaking news this hour, but first, it is beginning to look a lot like christmas. let's look at a live shot at the white house. take a look on 1600 pennsylvania avenue. the official white house christmas tree is probably about 1559 pennsylvania ave. it is our riding on a horse- drawn carriage -- it is arriving on a horse-drawn carriage. too bad there was not any snow. kelly: the tree is coming from a city in virginia about an hour- and-a-half away. juliet: the couple that donated this tree have donated several trees in previous years, so
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thank you to them. it will look lovely in the blue room. kelly: we will show you the our arrival of the tree as it happens, but first, the secret service investigating a major breach at the white house after a virginia couple apparently crashed the president's first state dinner tuesday night. this as a new information emerges about the salahis, and their lawyers said they were cleared, but there is some discrepancy between what the white house is saying and what the couple's attorney is now saying. >> that is right. you can see what the attorney had to say. in his statement, he says his clients were cleared by the white house to be there. more information is forthcoming. the white house says they were not invited, and it gets to the difference in meaning between
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"cleared" and "invited." someone at the white house certainly allowed them in, but again, maybe they did not have an invitation. kelly: look at the end. they look pretty glamorous. what else do we know about this couple, though? >> are auditioning to be on the "real housewives of d.c." -- they are auditioning. the producers said that they assumed the couple actually had an invitation. we know they had a lavish lifestyle. he was a polo player and sponsored a polo tournament. her facebook page says that she is a model and that she -- and she is boasting on her page of her extensive shoe collection. a website for the oasis winery -- he claims on the website that he is the founder of the winery, but there are reports of a long-
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running family feud of ownership of the vineyard, and the website indicates that it appears to be run by his parents. we also have indications of some debt, and they were named in at least nine civil lawsuits in virginia for varying amounts. kelly: what is the latest on the investigation by the secret service? the sec >> chris service as they have not ruled out a criminal investigation, but they are not there yet -- >> the secret service says they have not ruled out a criminal investigation, but they are not there yet. they point out that the couple did go through and magnetometer, even though they did not follow procedure. representative peter king of new york says he wants a congressional investigation. he calls this a shocking breach of security. kelly: thank you very much. juliet: the first time we're getting a look inside control towers at the frightening moments when air-traffic lost
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communication with this plane that was heading from denver to minneapolis when it overshot its investigation and dropped out of communication for more than an hour -- 77 minutes to be exact. the faa has just released audio tapes and transcripts from the incident. brian wilson, what happened? >> the plane was taking off from san diego and headed to minneapolis. somewhere along the way, flight controllers lost contact with it for a total of 77 minutes. they called and asked where they were, and there was no answer. but finally, as the plane overshot minneapolis, flight 188 surfaced. take a listen.
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>> there they are. they realized they missed minneapolis. you could almost hear it in the voice of the pilot. he knows he has made a major mistake. juliet: also, somebody wants an explanation. the air traffic controllers are wanting to know what was going on. >> they got them turn it around and headed back to minneapolis, and at one point, the air- traffic control oppressed the pilots for an explanation. take a listen. >> now, we left that long pause in there to give you a sense of exactly how long it went. there was a very distinct pause.
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as you know, there was a conversation that took place in that cockpit -- "what are we going to tell them?" juliet: that was definitely a significant pause, not something they had been doing throughout the conversation? >> sounds like they were trying to get their story straight. juliet: the controllers follow proper procedure -- did the controllers follow proper procedure? there was a >> the 77 minutes of conversation under which they seemed to be operating under the assumption that they had real problems -- >> there was about 77 minutes of conversation under which they seem to be operating under the assumption that they had radio problems. there were dead on the runway ready to scramble when they were contacted saying that everything was fine, but there was a big gap where they did not have any contact with the aircraft, and
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they neglected to call norad. juliet: as you said before, the tapes were not released until just now, which was a slight gap in your mind. >> i have information that these tapes have been available for two weeks, and the faa has been sitting on them because they were embarrassed, although they have been doing great things about trying to stress safety issues within the industry, but they made a decision to hold this until black friday in hopes that nobody would really notice what we are reporting today. they get to decide when to release it, and i get to point out what they are doing. juliet: thank you very much. kelly: the competition to get your hands on this year's hottest gift may be fierce, but you might not be aware of the competition to sell your those gifts. target, for example, is cutting prices in the hopes to edge out wal-mart as your go to store for low prices this season. rich is at a target store at the
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palisades center. what does it look like this morning? >> kelly, it was unbelievable this morning. store officials say about 700 customers were waiting outside the store at 5:00 this morning. they had security personnel everyone hundred customers to make sure no one got trampled and no one got hurt, and they succeeded in that. 5:00 this morning, they were letting customers in 100 at a time. people in pajamas holding flat screen tvs and standing in lines about 10, 12, 15 miles deep in the store to check out and try to get out, and they sold out of their hottest items certainly within the first half hour. kelly: it may be too late to pick up one of those items, but how are things looking for retailers? >> so far so good, they say here at target. the retail sector had a tough time last year. they are hoping this year that they can do a little bit better than last year.
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last year, 128 million people, according to the national retail federation, would go out during this black friday weekend. this year, they say about 134 million will go out shopping on the black friday weekend, but they say they will spend less money throughout the entire holiday season. in 2008, they were saying about $535 per customer. that is of folks were telling the national retail federation it would spend. this year, they are expected to spend about $507 million and change. so they expect more people, but spending less money. kelly: thank you. and we are cutting into breaking news right now. juliet: the white house christmas tree showing up at the north portico at the white house. we were talking about the two folks that you see to the right of your screen shaking hands with the young ladies there -- oh, are those the obamas? yes, they are. my eyes are not good today. >> the couple are the ones who
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donated the christmas tree. there is sasha, malia, and the first lady. juliet: they will be going into the white house shortly, and eric and gloria will be joining them. this is a tradition that has been happening for years, but for these folks -- they have donated trees to the last several times. i think this might be their fourth year. kelly: they are from shepherd's town, west virginia, a small, quaint town with university there, but this tree will, of course, stand proudly at the north portico in front of the white house, and many people will cheer it on. juliet: 1889, president benjamin harrison was the first person to put a tree of in the white house. i just with that of the top of my head -- whipped that off the top of my head. in 1961, first lady kennedy
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placed the first white house christmas tree in the blue room so the taurus that would come through would be able to see it for themselves -- to the tourists -- so the tourists would be able to see it for themselves. kelly: new fears of another financial meltdown rocking markets across the world, all triggered by a small country in the mideast. a closer look at wall street's reaction to do by's -- dubai's debt crisis and the potential impact on our economic recovery next. take 2 extra strength tylenol every 4 to 6 hours?!? taking 8 pills a day... and if i take it for 10 days -- that's 80 pills. just 2 aleve can last all day. perfect. choose aleve and you can be taking four times... fewer pills than extra strength tylenol. just 2 aleve have the strength to relieve arthritis pain all day.
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you'll love it. your old mop will just have to get over it... [ engine rattles ] [ man ] love stinks! ♪ love stinks! ♪ yeah! yeah! [ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet is redesigned. it cleans deep in corners. its solution penetrates layers of dirt and its absorbent pad locks it away to clean better than a mop. the newly redesigned swiffer wet jet. ♪ love stinks!
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juliet: welcome back. we are sending it over to paris, who has details out of a horrible story out of florida -- standing in over harris. >> it is a tough story to talk about the day after a holiday, but there is a man hunt going on right now. they are looking for a man
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suspected of killing several family members right after thanksgiving dinner last night in jupiter, fla., about 90 miles north of florida. among the dead, his twin sisters, an aunt, and a 6-year- old cousin, who was apparently in bed sleeping when she was shot to death. one of the sisters was pregnant. we do not know how far along, but that word from the jupiter police department. seven people became witnesses to a horrific murder scene. this is in palm beach county. this area is known -- a very upscale. helms of michael jordan and burt reynolds in this area --homes of michael jordan and burt reynolds in this area. those shots fired, and immediately 911 calls coming in because it was such a quiet street. one family member is still hospitalized at this hour in critical condition. what has been treated already and was able to go home -- one
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has been treated all ready and was able to go home, but right now, the hunt is on for the man on the left of your screen. thought to be driving a blue toyota. armed and dangerous. jupiter police getting help in this u.s. manhunt. kelly: the trading day is over, shortened because of the holiday, and it was not very good one. dow jones finishing down 150 points, and one of the big reasons -- dubai. the small city state facing financial trouble right now. roughly $60 billion in the hole and having trouble paying its debts. the news sparking fears on wall street and worldwide that the debt crisis could trigger another financial crisis worldwide, derailing our on financial recovery -- derailing our own financial recovery. they have all this opulence, but
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who knew that it would be tied into their real-estate holdings and result in this >s? >> it is not just the indoor ski slopes. they have tentacles all over the world financially. we have to be nervous about them, and the markets were very nervous. they basically said they have $60 billion in debts, and asked not to make payments for six months. that is like me telling you i would like to pay my credit card back in six months because i do not have the money right now. remember, the markets were closed yesterday, but europe and asia already dealt with this. a lot of exposure of around the world -- a lot of exposure around the world. it is a nerve racking situation. kelly: how does that affect us when we're going through christmas season, the holiday rush, retailers relying on people getting out there and spending?
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>> that is the thing. you look up and see the stock market dropping 155 points today, you might wonder if you want to go out on black friday and spend money. that is certainly a concern today. a lot of retail names are actually into the red, and i spoke with the ceo of macy's downtown, and he set folks are walking out with the lower- priced items. they are getting the cookery set for $50, and they are taking that. it will be very interesting, but not a good shopping season. kelly: the obama administration is looking to the future, trying to do what it can in terms of the economy beginning next year. they are looking at this market, looking at asia, looking at what is happening with the by -- happening with dubai. they have to figure out how it will not adversely affect us. >> it already has.
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a note came out today saying that citigroup has exposure to bad debt -- to that debt. if they have exposure, hsbc has exposure. who else is out there? we do not have that transparency overseas with regards to do by -- dubai and their investment arm. the question today, what are they not telling us that is behind the scenes here? will we find out more batters over the weekend? what does that new -- what does that do monday when all the senior traders come back? kelly: part in the grammar, but it ain't good. that means the taxpayers are exposed. juliet, back to you. juliet: black friday is not just a busy day at the mall. it is a busy day in the emergency room as well. could holiday eating be harmful
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to your health? we are talking about filling up. one of our medical experts will be here with health information on when to know when you are stopped and when you actually need medical treatment for it. what's our favorite part of honey bunches of oats? the sparkly flakes. the honey-baked bunches! the magic's in the mix. my favorite part? eating it. honey bunches of oats. taste the joy we put in every spoonful. we call the bunches in honey bunches of oats the prize in the box. well, now there's a prize inside the prize.
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pecans! pecans! baked into crunchy oat bunches. taste the delicious surprise in every spoonful. new honey bunches of oats with pecan bunches. beautiful.
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juliet: welcome back. it is 23 minutes past the hour. over eating is almost part of the thanksgiving transition -- thanksgiving tradition for some people, but it can actually lead to real medical problems. we are joined by part of fox's medical a team. a lot of times, we do see stomach issues in the emergency room, an uptick this holiday season. why is that? >> some people have a tendency to overheat, and some people
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have other medical conditions. it you are like me, you spent last night feeling bloated -- if you are like me. those are signs that you just overate, and you'll probably feel better by the morning, but for people who really felt like they started having severe symptoms, where they were within 12 actors -- 12 hours after eating or certainly within 24 hours, those people might have been poisoned by bacteria or a virus. juliet: i always got food poisoning hit you within two to six hours -- i always thought food poisoning hit you than two to six hours. >> those of the people that need to stay at home, get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluid. juliet: you know when you have food poisoning, right? >> you know because it is a
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violent reaction. it goes on longer than that 24 hours, it might be a different kind of infection. once it is prolonged, they may need to go to the emergency room, especially if they are young or old or have other chronic medical conditions. juliet: because you deeply your electrolytes when you are bombing -- you deplete your electrolytes when you are vomiting. >> do not eat. do not take antacids. testing some -- just drink some gatorade and get some rest. juliet: what about pact abysmal -- pepto bismal and things like that? >> you want the system to flesh it out.
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juliet: how do you know if you have heartburn or indigestion? what is the difference? >> this is a tricky one. it you have chest pressure or pain radiating through your job or shoulder, those are clear signs that you're having a heart attack -- if you have test pressure or pain radiating through your jaw or shoulder. go to the emergency room and let them sort it out for you. it may just be in digestion, but let them figure out. juliet: do you always have those? >> not always. you may just be a centrist pressure. the other thing to worry about are people who had a history of gallstones. they may have some severe sentence -- symptoms after severe abdominal pain. those people may just need to call their doctor.
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juliet: the bottom line is on holidays, do not go crazy eating. to temper a little bit. thank you, doctor, very much. kelly: thanks for the advice. iran responded in a bind to the united nations' new reprimand over its nuclear program -- and ron -- in responding in defiance -- iran responding in defiance .
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kelly: want to get you updated now on iran. iran is responding with defiant after the united nations' nuclear watchdog voted to censure iran over its nuclear program. this coming after the notion wrapped up its show of military might in a series of war games exercises this week. the united nations demanding pteron immediately freeze construction of its once see clear nuclear plant -- the
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united nations demanding pterotn immediately freeze construction of its once secret nuclear plant. >> it appears the united nations lobbied china extensively to get support. secretary of state clinton made about a dozen phone calls in the days leading up to this vote. the white house says there is strong consensus in the international community to put pressure on iran. the statement from press secretary robert gibbs at the white house goes on to say -- and he says the u.s. remains willing to engage air and in working toward a diplomatic solution. -- willing to engage iran. they say they will not comply with the iaea demand to mothball
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the facility that it kept secret for two years. president ahmadinejad seems to thrive on this international tension. his delegate to the conference in vienna said iran would resist pressure, resolution, sanctions, and threats of military attack. as you know, israel had threatened to attack, but more likely, this will lead to discussions about further sanctions. kelly: what exactly is the iaea demanding from iran? >> the resolution calls on iran to mothball the facility in qom, the one they kept secret for two years. it is so small that experts say it could only be met to enrich uranium for weapons. it is not big enough to have the centrifuges needed to produce fuel for nuclear power plants. the resolution also calls on iran to halt all of its uranium enrichment activities. juliet: the holidays are particularly tough for parents
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of military children overseas, and four soldiers who spend months or a year without seeing mom and dad, it is particularly tough. we look at how one family is coping. >> it is heartbreaking and true for so many families. a sign up for military duty these days, you are almost guaranteed to do at least one tour overseas -- if you sign up for duty these days. four or five will go overseas on towards lasting for 12 to 15 months, and roughly 40% of those soldiers have kids back home. one of the brave souls, teresa now forced to speak to her son via web cam. >> it is hard. it is hard to think about my son without tearing up. it is a mental fight every single day. i believe in what we do over here.
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at the same time, however, when i hear his voice on the phone -- >> l. the first letter in love. >> i want to go home. >> as part of her deployment, he came to live with me. i feel like he thinks he is still just visiting. that kind of breaks my heart a little bit. >> you miss your mom? >> yes. >> what do you miss? >> her being there and i'm not. >> after a week of not talking to her, he gets sad. do you know where she is >> > afghanistan. >> this is my third deployment. there are only so many times that you can play with fire before you get burned. i want to go back home safely to my son. >> with little kids, you miss so
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much. you only get one shot at it. he missed his first year of school -- you miss his first year of school, his wisdom teeth, and for what? i hope it is worth it. >> i would absolutely love nothing more than to sit down with my son and have him read a book to me. >> she is not due home until next september, which is a long time to be separated from a child. she said she struggled with the decision to reenlist, but it was the only way to guarantee a paycheck in this economy. there are many thousands of others making the same sacrifice every day. juliet: it is heartbreaking, as i said, but it is also heartwarming. lots of love to her. kelly: breaking news on call for tiger woods. >> this is coming from our affiliate in orlando. professional golfer tiger woods
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has been involved in a serious car accident. he has been seriously injured. it happened at about 2:25 this morning. local police are reporting to our fox affiliate that the highway patrol says tiger woods somehow hit a fire hydrant as he was backing out of the driveway of a home in the community where he lives. he struck the fire hydrant and somehow or another hit a neighbor's tree. he has been transported to the hospital in serious condition. again, this is according to the florida highway patrol, as told to our fox affiliate in orlando and the "orlando sentinel." they say that the air bags in his car did not deploy. do not know what that means in terms of how hard the impact was or how fast he was going, but they did not deploy.
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perhaps the vehicle was traveling under 33 miles per hour, because for that particular kind of vehicle, is expected that the air bags would deploy above that point. again, tiger woods backing out of his home in his community in florida, it the fire hydrant and some way or another ends up hitting a neighbor's tree -- hit the fire hydrant and ends up hitting a neighbor's tree. the best golfer in the world is what he has been called by anybody who has ever picked up a stick and hit a golf ball. i will get more information as i can. big news now about tiger woods. kelly: tiger woods meaning to so much to so many people throughout the golf world and also people throughout the country because of the fact that he has the tiger woods foundation helping a lot of young kids. keep us updated please. meantime, a german father may
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bear the burden of his sons deadly crimes -- his son positively crimes. the teen-ager's father now charged with 15 counts of negligent manslaughter, which account for each person his son murdered. what kind of precedent could this trial set?
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[ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet cleans so deep, you'll love it. your old mop will just have to get over it... [ engine rattles ] [ man ] love stinks! ♪ love stinks! ♪ yeah! yeah!
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[ female announcer ] new swiffer wet jet is redesigned. it cleans deep in corners. its solution penetrates layers of dirt and its absorbent pad locks it away to clean better than a mop. the newly redesigned swiffer wet jet. ♪ love stinks!
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juliet: welcome back. harris has new information on breaking news regarding tiger woods. >> tiger woods involved in a car accident that left him seriously injured today, and what i'm just learning the eddy -- via the "orlando sentinel" that tiger woods' crash remains under investigation and that charges are pending. we have no idea what kind of charges, but the florida highway
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patrol saying that, that charges are pending in this accident. we think it only involves tiger woods in his cadillac escalate as he was pulling out of his own driveway -- his cadillac escalade as he was pulling out of his own driveway and hit a fire hydrant and then hit his neighbor's tree, leaving him seriously injured. we do not know his condition at this time, but the florida highway patrol said earlier to our fox affiliate that he was seriously injured. we do not know the nature of his injuries. as i learn more, of course, i will report it, but the headline out that the "orlando sentinel" reporting that some kind of charges are pending. we will have to find out. tiger woods, arguably the biggest names in golf -- name in golf. kelly: a ground-breaking trial in germany preparing to get under way. prosecutors are charging a
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father for his son's deadly shooting spree. you may recall this 17 year-old still a gun from his father -- stole a gun from his father, walked into his school and opened fire, killing nine students and three teachers. he then fled the scene, killing three others before taking his own life. eight months later, his father is charged with 15 counts of negligent manslaughter. could this trial set a precedent that even u.s. prosecutors could follow in a similar tragedy, god forbid, were to take place here? assistant d.a. in new york and a defense attorney join us. let me begin by first asking the question -- is it possible that this kind of case could happen here in the united states? and again, we say, god forbid
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this were to happen again, but we did experience a during columbine -- experienced it during columbine -- columbine -- experience it during columbine. >> absolutely. many states like florida have certain -- specific laws regarding the security and safekeeping of firearms that are then used by children. if they could get to them and use them, the parents can be held strictly liable for whatever they do. kelly: josh, you are a prosecutor. would you go after a man like this, knowing full well that it was his son that it did, but they have the practice of leaving a gun available? >> you absolutely have to go through the steps that probably the prosecutor there went through before deciding to bring
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these charges. the father probably has an arsenal of guns in the house. they are probably license, but you go through the other charges, which are that he did not have them properly secured. that is why the german government are after him, because they are basically saying that that gun should have been locked away. >kelly: you have this, -- you have this done that was not locked away, and this young person that has mental issues in the past. so yes, i would bring that up. kelly: the father says after the shooting spree -- basically, what happened here -- he stated that he wished he had known that his child was going
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through the psychological problems or had reached out and talked to him instead of taking this kind of heinous action. as a trial attorney, how would you defend someone like this? >> the fact become very important. act of the matter is the father had 15 guns, 14 of which were locked up and the perfectly safe -- and perfectly safe. he kept one by his bed for safety. on the other side, when you have a child going to a psychiatrist, you are not typically told everything that is going on with respect to that child by the psychiatrist. unless it is brought specifically to your attention that that child has a propensity to take the gun and go out and kill somebody, there are a lot of americans -- kelly: let me give just the final word. >> he does know he is going to a psychiatrist for depression. whether he is 17 or 5, you do
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not leave one gone out, and he is almost responsible for leaving the gun out where a child could get who has problems. kelly: what you are both agreeing to is that this case is setting a precedent in germany could also set a precedent here. juliet: black friday, a day dedicated to spending, but we had some great shopping tips to keep it pain free for you and your wallet.
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juliet: welcome back. maybe you did not get up at the crack of dawn to fight crowds for those black friday deals, but do not worry -- there are plenty of ways you can keep your budget under control. backed by popular demand, and retail experts and ceo of a
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trend and how glad to help us with that. -- trend and talent lab to help us. this was hugely popular the of the day, i wanted to bring it back. what is this? >> it is a combination of a heart -- of a scarf and a hood. you can wear it like this some days, and other days, like this. spectacular. amazing. great for the snow. great for the city. juliet: we will get the -- i will take this off. we all get the gist. i love museum stores. >> i think museum stores are one of the biggest secrets in holiday shopping here first, the buyers are the artists of good taste. they have already edited for you. everything is prepackaged, and they can ship it, you can go on-
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line, or you can visit your local store. one of the things we have are these bowls. juliet: there's a story with everything. where did we get these? >> the museum of art and design in new york. there is a website. there are books for men and women. there are green products. this is china is reused using multiple sets of china to mix and match. juliet: you also said there is strength in numbers. what does that mean? >> when you are shopping, by a bunch of one product that you love. candles, a different sense, so they can be personalized. by a bunch of them, have them on hand, and when you get them, put a wish with it -- when you give them, put a wish with it, and personalize.
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these are fabulous. they come preprinted. and experience, like i will write your resume for you. juliet: the problem with this is people do not follow through on these. >> today, that is what people really want. it is special. and you can also give them little pouches like this. he could put these in there so you do not have to rapid -- you could put these in there so you do not have to wrap it. i went to a flea market in town and got a bunch of things. you could put in one or a bunch, and this is a group under $25 a box. another candle, a picture frame. you could prove them, do them separately, and you do not have to travel, and you are
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supporting your local businesses. cool ideas for the holiday season, go to juliet: these are great ideas. thank you very much. where is my snood? thank you very much, ginger. kelly: breaking news that we have been talking to you about. 10 minutes ago, we learned that tiger woods, the world's greatest golfer right now, was in a car accident outside his home in florida, sustaining some serious injuries. we're also told by a florida police that charges could be pending. more details about this accident coming up. . .
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kelly: as we first told to 10 minutes ago, tiger woods, famous golfer and one of the world's best, has sustained serious injuries in a car accident outside of his home in florida. we're now getting word that the highway patrol has said that the crash was not alcohol-related. we will have much more coming up on "studio b.' juliet: visitors to the warsaw zoo in poland were treated to an unusual exhibit. modern-day humans are pressing
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like cavemen, and it is fun. doing caveman things like starting a fire and smoking fish over flames. the performance is meant to attract interest in a play, "caveman," showing in the polish capital. i am not going to go any further on this. good to work with you. thank you very much. thank you, folks, for watching. [captioning made possible by fox news channel] captioned by the national captioning institute gregg: breaking news. tiger woods seriously injured in a car crash in florida. the highway patrol is indicating that charges are pending, although we are told that it is not alcohol-related. local news agencies are reporting that the golfer was
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pulling out late last evening when he had a fire hydrant and struck a tree on his neighbors' property. the air bags in his cadillac did not deploy, which means that his car was going less than 33 miles an hour. he was taken around 2:30 this morning to a hospital about 20 miles west of orlando. the highway patrol was saying that he stayed at a hospital, the health center medical center, but they are denying it, saying he is not a patient. >> that is frequent, when hospitals are asked about patients. they often do not reveal it because of confidentiality regulations. as you said, what we know now is that he was pulling out of his that he was pulling out of his


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